Over the years, the Northern Beaches has become one of the most coveted destinations – not only for getaways, swims and to enjoy the sunshine, but also for long-term residencies and contemporary commercial spaces too.
More and more people are moving to the Beaches area and it’s great to see our local community evolve.

Whether they’re locals who grew up in the area and are now looking for a space of their own or people who just want to experience the luxuries of the Northern Beaches lifestyle, one thing they all have in common is they aspire to secure their own place in this ultimate destination.
Of course, the local council has developed exciting plans to accommodate this.
Here’s what you need to know.
Growth in the Northern Beaches
Given the current trajectory, it’s expected that Sydney’s Northern Beaches region will be the home to around 290,000 people by 2036. This is an increase of nearly 23,000 people over the span of 35 years.
Currently, houses in the Northern Beaches only make up approximately 57% of dwellings, followed by units at 33%, and semi-detached dwellings at around 9%.

That’s why it’s so crucial that the Northern Beaches Council plans ahead to cater to the various growing needs, changing lifestyles and budgets we’re seeing today and predicting in the near future.
The local strategy
With the population growth, the Northern Beaches Council has drafted Local Housing Strategy plans that detail out the types and location of future housing zones while taking into consideration the options available at present.
This future strategy is aimed to address the growing population and provide more housing options for families, as well as young people. The Council has already decided that a range of homes beyond the current number of houses and units are needed. Though, we all know the Northern Beaches offers way beyond just houses and units, right?
This strategy aims to accommodate everyone now and into the future
There will be a particular focus on “the missing middle”: dual occupancies, manor houses and terraces around centres with good accessibility to amenities.

At present, there is a current need for over 8,100 dwellings for social and affordable housing across the Northern Beaches – a number that’s predicted to rise by another further 1,880 by the year 2036.
The Northern Beaches Council is putting this strategy in place to bridge this gap, by proposing a number of approaches to offer more affordable housing types while considering population growth trends and change, along with household size and lifestyle factors including sustainability and building resilience.
Their strategy also takes into account housing diversity, including boarding houses, seniors housing, social and affordable housing.
Want to learn more?
The Northern Beaches Local Housing Strategy draft is currently on public exhibition from 15 January until 21 February 2021.
We’re so excited about this news, knowing that there’s a lot on the horizon for our amazing part of the world.
Just remember, your team of property experts at Upstate are always here for you.
Whether you’re buying, selling, renting or leasing across Sydney’s Northern Beaches, we know the local real estate market like the backs of our hands. We are skilled, agile, client-focussed and tech-savvy – let’s just say we do things differently and it’s all for your benefit.
Find yourself in a better place with Upstate
Our Upstate real estate specialists make buying and selling Northern Beaches property easy. That’s because we’re a big agency that acts like a boutique one. Our personalised service will help you get the most out of your property.
Speak to your local Upstate team today and we’ll show you the possibilities that are earning excellent results.
We look forward to chatting with you soon.
Your local Upstate team